Fresh Quizzes
cyber safety
Questions:what was my password?
what is in order?
what is the bad guy looking for?
should you agree with the bad guy?
14 years ago -
Questions:what was the motto?
witch party were you supposed to bo to?
what is the evil man going after?
what was the evil mans name?
14 years ago -
Cyber Safety
Questions:What helmet was NOT there?
What was the password?
What color cape does the great static have?
What is the name of the other planet?
14 years ago -
Cyber Safety
Questions:What is the motto?
Where is the uniform store?
Who are the bamdudes?
What is the password for your room?
Where is your room?
14 years ago -
cyber safety
Questions:what were the motto words?
what are the 2 places?
what does static guy put up?
what is your password?
14 years ago -
Cyber Safety
Questions:bamdudes like to throw parties?
who knocks on your door?
does a green bamdude raise blobbies?
does the great static come to you and ask for…?
14 years ago -
cyber safety
Questions:do you have to wear a helmet?
do you have an arm pad?
what place is there that you can go to?
does the static apear at the center?
14 years ago -
cyber safety
Questions:what is the games motto?
what is the planets name?
what is the comanders color?
is thare a bad man?
14 years ago -
Cyber saftey
Questions:what is the motto for webonauts?
in the game webonauts what are bambudes, and…?
in webonauts what do bambudes like to do?
14 years ago -
cyber saftey
Questions:what are the motto words?
do web nots help each other?
what is the password?
do webnots interact?
14 years ago - PreviousNext