Popular Quizzes
Questions:Where did the Greek gods live?
Which two brothers were suckled by wolves and…?
Where was Achilles only vulnerable spot?
Who was the Greek goddess of love?
Who was the Roman god of war?
And 4 more!
14 years ago -
The Sims
Questions:Which company developed The Sims?
How many original Sims expansion were released?
Which of the following did Will Wright also design?
Which year was the first Sims released?
What is the name of the language Sims use?
14 years ago -
Questions:What vegetable did the Prince place under the…?
What Poisoned fruit did the wicked stepmother…?
Which of these is not one of the 7 dwarfs?
Beauty and the .......?
What was the little pig's house made of that…?
And 4 more!
14 years ago -
Questions:Which of the following is NOT a Canadian Invention?
Canada's national sport is...?
What is the capital of BC?
Which of the following people is not Canadian?
Canada is the World's...?
14 years ago -
Doctor Who Quiz
Questions:Who played the 10th Doctor?
The Doctor's home planet is...?
Who among the following knows the Doctor's real…?
14 years ago -
The Second Continental Congress
Questions:Where did it take place?
Which document was written at the Second Continental…?
Was established in what year?
Which colony did not initially send delegates?
After the ratification of the Articles of Confederation,…?
14 years ago -
About me
Questions:What favorite Football team do i like in the…?
What is my favorite song?
Where do I live?
14 years ago -
Questions:what is 7x8?
what is n+2.4 if n=3.8?
Lucy wants to buy 2 packs of pokemon cards. Each…?
14 years ago -
Questions:what is 4+6?
what is 56+11?
what is 150 +67?
14 years ago -
math quiz
Questions:900 times 3?
11 times 12?
7,000.10 is ,less than ,more than or ,equal to…?
14 years ago - PreviousNext