Popular Quizzes
Birmingham (UK)
Questions:In which area of England is Birmingham located?
Whats the lady in the fountains called?
When was Birmingham's First Canal opened?
14 years ago -
British Cities
Questions:Which best describes the location of Liverpool?
Which best describes the location of Bath?
Which best describes the location of Bangor?
The National Armada memorial is located in which…?
As of 2009, what is the population of Inverness?
And 1 more!
14 years ago -
The West Wing (TV Show)
Questions:Name of the president?
Name of the White House Chief of Staff?
The president is a...?
The show ran from...?
Jed Bartlett is played by?
And 3 more!
14 years ago -
British Art
Questions:Damien Hurst created a piece of art using a shark…?
Who caused controversy with their unmade bed?
Who opened a shop with Tracey Emin in Bethnal…?
Who used real Elephant dung in their Art Work?
Which brothers created "The Disasters of…?
And 4 more!
14 years ago -
Quotes from the Original Star Trek TV Show
Questions:Who said "Don't be a fool, push the button!"?
Who said "Computer, compute to the last…?
Who said, "I'm a doctor, not an engineer."?
Who said, "I signed aboard this ship to…?
Who said, "The helm is sluggish."?
And 4 more!
14 years ago -
Do you know Twilio?
Questions:What does Twilio not provide?
Who is not on Twilio Board of Director?
What does Twilio not give away for free?
14 years ago -
The Gadget Show
Questions:Which year did the show start broadcasting?
How long were the very first episodes?
During series 11 Suzie was off on medical leave.…?
Which presenter replaced Dallas Campbell?
Where in the UK is most of the show filmed?
And 2 more!
14 years ago -
Vermont Skiing
Questions:How many alpine ski resorts are there in Vermont?
Which ski resort has the most trails?
How many trails does that resort have?
Which ski area bans snowboarders?
Which ski area is part of a college?
And 19 more!
14 years ago -
Content Management Systems
Questions:Which CMS was created in 2005?
Which CMS has the largest developer base?
What common coding language do CMS use?
14 years ago -
Networking to Learn
Questions:What does PLN stand for?
What does SLN stand for?
What is a PLE?
14 years ago - PreviousNext