Popular Quizzes
Middle East Facts
Questions:Which of these countries is not Arabic?
The Tigris and Euphrates rivers are in what country?
Gaza Strip is nearest what two countries?
Dubai is a city in which country?
Which of these countries produces the most oil…?
And 1 more!
14 years ago -
Twitter Quiz
Questions:Which of these tweets is not a valid way to quote…?
Which of these is not a twitter client?
The front page of twitter shows popular tweets…?
Twitter asks...?
You can organise users by...?
14 years ago -
Apple Store
Questions:What is the place where people can receive help…?
What usually happened when the store is closed?
Where is the first Apple Store located?
14 years ago -
Do you know Spencer Schoeben?
Questions:What is Spencer's twitter username?
Where was Spencer born?
What state besides CA has Spencer lived in?
What is Spencer's Google Voice phone number?
What tech blog does Spencer read the most?
And 4 more!
14 years ago -
Basic PHP Quiz
Questions:What is the character(s) that denotes a Variable…?
What does the && Operator mean ?
Which of the following Operators means Not ?
Which of the following lines of code has a syntax…?
Which of the following is the correct way to…?
14 years ago -
Movies of 2009
Questions:This one's easy - this movie is based on the…?
About Michael Jackson's life?
Aliens take over Johannesburg!?
Four guys and their adventure in Las Vegas...?
Boy Wizard?
And 5 more!
14 years ago -
Tech blogs and their editors
Venture Beat?
Daring Fireball?
14 years ago -
Basic CSS Quiz
Questions:How would I select only <span> elements…?
What would be the smartest way to set the font…?
How would I make a background image repeat only…?
How would I remove underlines from all links?
How would you prevent other floating elements…?
And 1 more!
14 years ago -
The flag of The United States
Questions:What are the colors of the our flag?
What do the stars on the flag mean?
How many stars are there on our flag?
What color are the stars on our flag?
What do the stripes on the flag represent?
14 years ago -
Capital Cities
Questions:What country is Helsinki the Capital of?
What country is Baghdad the Capital of?
What country is Santiago the Capital of?
What country is Paris the Capital of?
What country is Cairo the Capital of?
And 4 more!
14 years ago - PreviousNext