Popular Quizzes
Indian States Quiz
Questions:Which city is the capital of Mizoram?
Which Indian state has two capital cities?
Which of the following is not a state?
When was the state of Uttarakhand established?
The state of West Bengal is in which part of…?
14 years ago -
Questions:What item do some characters use to avoid blacking…?
Which character does not experience a vision…?
Who wrote the original Flashforward novel?
14 years ago -
LAMP2 Quiz 3
Questions:How are errors in ignored in php, which symbol?
What does the Model do in the MVC framework?
What does that Controller do in the MVC framework?
What does the View do in the MVC framework?
What are Logic errors?
And 4 more!
11 years ago -
Social Networking Cyber Safety
Questions:What information should you not give out?
which one should you accept more?
her what someone said: i want to meet you in…?
true or false: if a friend moved away for like…?
14 years ago -
cyber safety
Questions:you have a facebook and someone friends you but…?
you have friends on facebook but you find someone…?
you whant a facebook but your parents wont let…?
14 years ago -
Cyber Safety
Questions:Someone Says...Did you like Mrs.Testa's test…?
I saw you on the street today can I have your…?
You Hear your friend is being cyber bullied you?
14 years ago -
Social Network Cyber Safety
Questions:What do you do when a cyber bully e-mails you?
which of the following do you keep secret from…?
If you got an e-mail from an old friend that…?
14 years ago -
Questions:When is Halloween observed?
What is Halloween more typically linked to as…?
Which one of Shakespeare's comedies mentions…?
14 years ago -
louis ix
Questions:was he a king?
what pet did he have?
how old was he when he became king?
14 years ago -
Questions:What is Eminem's nickname?
What movie was about Eminem's life?
What is Eminem's real name?
What was Eminem's debut album name?
What song was Eminem in with Lil' Wayne in the…?
And 3 more!
14 years ago - PreviousNext