Quiz Search: art
Capital Cities
Questions:What country is Helsinki the Capital of?
What country is Baghdad the Capital of?
What country is Santiago the Capital of?
What country is Paris the Capital of?
What country is Cairo the Capital of?
And 4 more!
14 years ago -
The Summer Olympics
Questions:Which Sport is not included in the Modern Pentathlon?
When is the next Summer Olympics due to be held?
Where will the next Summer Olympics be held?
Which 2 sports have been dropped and will not…?
When were the Summer Olympics last held in the…?
14 years ago -
Questions:When was Mashable founded?
What is the competition event that Mashable started?
What company did Mashable acquire?
How much is Mashable's iPhone app?
Who is not a current team member of Mashable?
14 years ago -
Textile Tech
Questions:From which animal do we obtain Cashmere?
On what do silkworms normally feed?
Which is not a natural fibre?
What fibre is used to make a Yurt?
What fibre is the raw material for linen?
And 4 more!
14 years ago -
Questions:What vegetable did the Prince place under the…?
What Poisoned fruit did the wicked stepmother…?
Which of these is not one of the 7 dwarfs?
Beauty and the .......?
What was the little pig's house made of that…?
And 4 more!
14 years ago -
Icelandic Musicians
Questions:Who sang Gollum's song?
Who won the MOJO Outstanding Contribution To…?
Which performer with the Sugarcubes went on to…?
Which Album shows the 4 group members knitting?
Which track from Bjork's album Homogenic did…?
14 years ago -
Questions:What is Carsonified previously called?
Which of the following is not a project by Carsonified?
Who is the main designer of Carsonified?
What is Think Vitamin Membership?
What hosting company does Carsonified choose?
And 3 more!
14 years ago -
The Midnight Beast
Questions:Which of the following is not a member of The…?
Which nationality are all members of The Midnight…?
What did Kesha tweet when she saw their parody…?
On which BBC 1 radio show was their single 'Booty…?
Within their songs there is a recurring reference…?
And 3 more!
14 years ago -
Which Famous George?
Questions:Which George played his Ukulele Banjo whilst…?
This George was a member of the Fab 4?
This George was the star of Culture Club?
This Artistic George has a partner called?
He lost the "Rumble in the Jungle"?
And 4 more!
14 years ago -
Questions:Volvo cars are most well known for:?
Volvo is based in:?
Volvo cars were the first cars with:?
Volvo has one of the best ___ systems for driving…?
With what car did Volvo start focusing strongly…?
And 2 more!
14 years ago - PreviousNext