Quiz Search: im
The Sims
Questions:Which company developed The Sims?
How many original Sims expansion were released?
Which of the following did Will Wright also design?
Which year was the first Sims released?
What is the name of the language Sims use?
14 years ago -
Ultimate Tech Quiz
Questions:When was Steve Jobs fired by Apple?
When did the ipod come out?
Who's the man behind Linux?
Who was the man behind the World Wide Web?
Which Technology Blog leaked the iPhone 4?
And 4 more!
14 years ago -
Questions:The HipChat desktop client runs on which operating…?
Which of the following is a 'hidden' emoticon…?
How many users does the largest 'Ultimate' plan…?
HipChat started as a?
For whom is HipChat free?
14 years ago -
Barack Obama Quiz
Questions:Where was Barack Obama born?
What is the name of Barack Obama's wife?
Whom did Barack Obama defeat to secure the Democratic…?
How many children does Barack Obama have?
What is Barack Obama's middle name?
And 4 more!
14 years ago -
Capital cities of US states
Questions:What is the capital of the state of Louisiana?
What is the capital of New York state?
What is the capital of the state of Alaska?
What is the capital of the state of Nevada?
What is the capital of the state of Massachusetts?
And 4 more!
14 years ago -
Venetian Snares
Questions:What Nationality is Venetian Snares?
What is his real name?
What musical genre is Venetian Snares usually…?
Which album is sometimes referred to as the Hungarian…?
Where did Venetian Snares spend Winter?
14 years ago -
Questions:Es un mercado de:?
Su fundador es:?
Fue fundada en NY en:?
La descarga mas barata es de:?
Su mercado es de___________ imagenes por mes?
14 years ago -
Questions:Which best describes the products Waterstone's…?
How much did the original owner sell the chain…?
How many products are estimated to be sorted…?
When was the new Waterstone's branding implemented?
Which is Waterstone's sponsored charity? (As…?
And 2 more!
14 years ago -
Questions:What product does HMV primarily sell?
What does HMV stand for?
Which chain of shops did HMV buy in 1998?
Which best describes the HMV logo?
Who was the company's charity partner in the…?
14 years ago -
Y Combinator
Questions:What was the first YC startup?
YC generally invests $x per founder?
YC was started by...?
Who is not a YC partner?
Which was not a YC company?
And 4 more!
14 years ago - PreviousNext