Quiz Search: me
Oscar nominations 2011
Questions:A documentary about water polution?
Not based on a true story?
Oscarless Tim Burton directed this movie?
Starring Jeff Bridges as Kevin Flynn?
Animation movie with almost no dialogues?
And 4 more!
13 years ago -
Criminal Minds
Questions:How many seasons?
What is dr. Reid's name?
And his mother's?
What was Hotch's wife's name?
Who murdered her?
And 1 more!
14 years ago -
Moshi Monsters!!!!!!
Questions:Who is the editor of the Daily Growl?
What does Agony Ant do for Moshi Monsters?
How do you get a moshling?
14 years ago -
Social Networking Cyber Safety
Questions:You visit a friends page and see threatening…?
A boy online asks you out, and tellls you to…?
you get an foward with a picture of a friend…?
you get an email with an inappropriate picture…?
a person onine ffriends you saying that their…?
And 1 more!
14 years ago -
Social Networking Cyber Saftey:)
Questions:You are in a chat room with a bunch of people…?
Some one posts an embarrising video of you. What…?
Someone from school emails you and asks you if…?
14 years ago -
Social Networking~CYBER SAFTEY
Questions:You just met a interesting person online.You…?
They say meet you at the coffee shop tommorow?
Then they say, You'd better come!!!!!!! Or else!!!!!!?
14 years ago -
Social Networking-Cyber Safety
Questions:Will you tell a stranger you met online your…?
If an online froend asks you to come over and…?
Should you give your online friend your last…?
Should you talk to someone who does not know…?
If someone asks you to post pictures of yourself…?
And 1 more!
14 years ago -
Social Networking Cyber Safety
Questions:When Someone who knows what school you are in…?
Can you completley control who is seeing your…?
You should control whats on your profile but…?
14 years ago -
Social networking cyber saftey
Questions:If someone asked you for your cell number would…?
T or F: Give out personal info.?
Tor F: Do not talk to strangers on the internet!?
When on chat web sights watch out for people…?
14 years ago -
Cyber Security Social Networking
Questions:I saw you coming out of school and I know your…?
It's Uncle John and Aunt Mary.?
It's Joe from Pre-School. I need to talk to ya.…?
It's your old pen-pal,Roy. I need your address?
14 years ago - PreviousNext