• Daniel Brusilovsky's Followers

    • @calderonroberto
      Bio: Entrepreneur and tech alchemist. Architect, designer, computer scientist and educator. Passionate about people and ideas.
    • 3 points
    • @craigt44
      Bio: Dad of 2, husband, product compliance specialist, technology lover, F1 fan, in need of an iPad.
    • 0 points
    • @tylerplack
      Bio: I have ideas. I make those ideas happen. Bam! You've got an Alexa top 100 website!
    • 132 points
    • @Rebecca
      Bio: Authorpreneur, Most Powerful Women on Twitter (TwitterGrader). Klout UK Top 100. Shorty Awards Finalist, won Ms Twitter UK. The pen is mightier than the pin-up!
    • 85 points
    • @marcellpurham
      Bio: 17 year old , Self-taught Web designer, blogger, Entrepreneur
    • 54 points
    • @AndrewBrackin
      Bio: Internet radio/social media entrepreneur and avid tweeter!
    • 41 points
    • @webtuto
      Bio: love soccer yow
    • 85 points
    • @stephenou
      Bio: I made OneExtraLap.
    • 454 points