Quiz Search: content
LAMP2 Quiz 4
Questions:What does the Traversable Interface do?
What does the Serializable Interface do?
Are Accessor and Mulator getters and setters?
Define Container?
What is the comment Status error that occurs…?
And 4 more!
11 years ago -
LAMP2 Final Quiz
Questions:Which of the following Interfaces descriptions…?
What does UML stand for?
Which of the following in the MVC model displays…?
Which of the following is not a operator?
Which of the following isn't considered to be…?
And 4 more!
11 years ago -
Questions:This bitwise operator takes two bit patterns…?
Who developed Linux?
Traits are:?
Which of the following is not a type of cookie?
True or False: HTTPS is not a protocol?
And 4 more!
11 years ago -
Content Management Systems
Questions:Which CMS was created in 2005?
Which CMS has the largest developer base?
What common coding language do CMS use?
14 years ago -
BBC iPlayer
Questions:What is the iPlayer?
When was the iPlayer's inital release?
Complete: "Catch up on the last ______ of…?
Which of the following languages is the iPlayer…?
During its development, what was the iPlayer…?
And 3 more!
14 years ago -
Xbox 360
Questions:A general hardware failure is commonly referred…?
The current entry level console costs how much?…?
Users have to purchase what to download priced…?
As of 12/31/09, how many consoles have been sold…?
The best selling game for Xbox 360 is?
And 4 more!
14 years ago -
Simple Wordpress Quiz
Questions:Display the title in a post loop?
Display the content?
Hook for duplicate comments?
14 years ago -
Questionable Content: The Ultimate Quiz
Questions:Who created Questionable Content?
In which year was the first QC comic strip uploaded?
How often does QC update?
Which degree does the creator have?
Who is Pizza Girl?
And 1 more!
14 years ago