Quiz Search: history
Real Madrid
Questions:How many league titles do they hold?
how many champions league titles do they hold…?
who has score the most goals in the club`s history?
What`s the name of their home stadium?
How many straight champions league titles did…?
14 years ago -
IBM history
Questions:full form of IBM is?
Who started IBM?
IBM was inspired by?
What was the initial name of IBM?
IBM was made in the year?
14 years ago -
A Brief and Basic History of the Piano
Questions:What is the meaning of the name 'pianoforte'?
How many keys on a standard piano?
What instrument preceded the piano?
What musical period was the piano mainly introduced…?
14 years ago -
Modern History of Mumbai, India.
Questions:Mumbai used to be called?
Shiv Sena is a ?
The movie industry in Mumbai is often called?
15 years ago -
History of the Pentium
Questions:What is the name of the only .35 µm…?
The difference in size between Allendale and…?
First time the "Xeon" name was used…?
15 years ago