Quiz Search: name
Questions:What did The good witch change her name to?
Who did Elphaba fall in love with?
How did the Wizard get to Oz?
14 years ago -
Apple Quiz
Questions:The computer called "Lisa" was allegedly…?
Steve Jobs put his position as CEO on hold recently.?
Steve Jobs first turned down the name iPod but…?
When they thought of the name Apple never had…?
Apple used to make printers.?
And 2 more!
14 years ago -
Stephen Fry
Questions:Stephen Fry is...?
Stephen Fry was in a film about Oscar Wilde.…?
Stephen Fry wrote a book about his early life.…?
Stephen Fry has a 'wife' on Twitter. Her first…?
Stephen Fry is a big fan of...?
And 3 more!
14 years ago -
Finish the Indie band name.
Questions:Two Door...?
The Temper...?
And 2 more!
14 years ago -
The Second Continental Congress
Questions:Where did it take place?
Which document was written at the Second Continental…?
Was established in what year?
Which colony did not initially send delegates?
After the ratification of the Articles of Confederation,…?
14 years ago -
Jesse Willms the internet scammer
Questions:How much did scam artist Jesse Willms allegedly…?
What is the name of his parent media company?
Which is not a product he knocked off?
Where is his HQ?
Which of the below is one of his sites?
14 years ago -
iPhone 4
Questions:What material has been used on the front and…?
Which definition best fits the 'Retina Display'?
What is the name of the iPhone/iPod Touch software?
At which resolution does the rear-facing camera…?
What is FaceTime?
And 2 more!
14 years ago -
Questions:Who wrote the first episode of Lost, entitled…?
What is the number of the Oceanic flight that…?
The reluctant leader's name is...?
How is Jacob related to the smoke monster?
When we view the world if the plane hadn't crashed,…?
And 2 more!
14 years ago -
Tesla Motors
Questions:What is the 0 - 60 mph time of the Roadster Sport?
What is the name of the yellow paint color?
Who is the Chief Designer of Tesla Motors?
Who ordered the Model S, Serial #1 car?
Who currently holds the position of Business…?
And 1 more!
14 years ago -
A Brief and Basic History of the Piano
Questions:What is the meaning of the name 'pianoforte'?
How many keys on a standard piano?
What instrument preceded the piano?
What musical period was the piano mainly introduced…?
14 years ago - PreviousNext