Quiz Search: people
Social Networking Cyber Saftey:)
Questions:You are in a chat room with a bunch of people…?
Some one posts an embarrising video of you. What…?
Someone from school emails you and asks you if…?
14 years ago -
Social networking cyber saftey
Questions:If someone asked you for your cell number would…?
T or F: Give out personal info.?
Tor F: Do not talk to strangers on the internet!?
When on chat web sights watch out for people…?
14 years ago -
social network cyber safety
Questions:true or false should you give a stranger your…?
true or false should you trust someone who says…?
what should you do when people ask you to come…?
14 years ago -
the weirdest quiz ever
Questions:what is the color of the sky?
Is the sea blue?
what movie was adam stanler in as different people?
Is Jz a girl?
14 years ago -
All about me
Questions:Who is my best friend?
what is my middle name?
how many people live in my house(counting animals)?
what is my fav food?
14 years ago -
Amazing Animals
Questions:Mosquitoes are attracted to?
How high can penguins jump?
Dogs smell?
The population of chickens is about?
What strange thing do spotted skunks do before…?
And 1 more!
14 years ago -
Barbarian mini-quiz
Questions:This man was king of the Visigoths from 395-410…?
This group is NOT considered one of the barbarian…?
These "barbarian" people came from…?
These "barbarian" people came from…?
This man could be seen as the father of France…?
14 years ago -
Questions:Who is the founder of Tumblr?
What year was Tumblr founded?
How many people does Tumblr currently employ?
What is the name of the only female Tumblr employee?
Tumblr shares two lead investors with...?
And 2 more!
14 years ago -
Questions:Which of the following is NOT a Canadian Invention?
Canada's national sport is...?
What is the capital of BC?
Which of the following people is not Canadian?
Canada is the World's...?
14 years ago -
Apple Store
Questions:What is the place where people can receive help…?
What usually happened when the store is closed?
Where is the first Apple Store located?
14 years ago - Next