Quiz Search: saint
Questions:When did Saint Barbara DIE?
How did she die?
She is the patron saint of.........?
14 years ago -
St. Gianna Molla
Questions:Where was St. Gianna born?
What did she want to be?
What is she the patron saint of?
14 years ago -
Saint Bernadette
Questions:Where was Saint Bernadette born?
Who did she see visions of?
When did Saint Bernadette die?
14 years ago -
Saint Francesca Romana (The Roman)
Questions:Saint Francesca was born in the year of.....?
Saint Francesca Romana had a vision of which…?
Saint Francesca Romana's husband's name was...?
14 years ago -
St. John of the Cross
Questions:What order was St. John in?
When did St. John die?
What is St. John the patron saint of?
14 years ago -
saint Theresa of Liseiux
Questions:Where was I born?
What am i the patroness of?
Who cannonized me?
When was I born?
14 years ago -
The Actual Quiz of Saint Anne!
Questions:St. Anne was the grandmother of...?
Which one of these dates is Anne's feast day?
When was St. Annes Bday?
14 years ago -
Saint Dymphna.
Questions:Whats is Saint Dymphna's feast day?
What was Saint Dymphna's fathers name?
What age was Saint Dymphna when her mother die?
14 years ago -
st. michael
Questions:he is the patron saint of?
he lived?
who did he chase down to heck (archangels)?
14 years ago -
Saint Maria Goretti
Questions:The workers that she had living with her was..........?
How did she die.....?
her father died of.......?
14 years ago - Next