Quiz Search: quiz
A OneExtraLap test quiz
Questions:Is there a real point to this quiz other than…?
Is this a pointless question?
14 years ago -
Basic PHP Quiz
Questions:What is the character(s) that denotes a Variable…?
What does the && Operator mean ?
Which of the following Operators means Not ?
Which of the following lines of code has a syntax…?
Which of the following is the correct way to…?
14 years ago -
Know more about Jerry!
Questions:What PHP framework does Jerry usually use?
How does Jerry test his app?
Does Jerry like open-source?
Is it a stupid quiz?
14 years ago -
Young Entrepreneur Quiz. Prove yourself!
Questions:By being a young entrepreneur (aspiring or not),…?
The most important thing to do is to:?
Kevin Rose's top advice for young entrepreneurs…?
14 years ago -
Basic CSS Quiz
Questions:How would I select only <span> elements…?
What would be the smartest way to set the font…?
How would I make a background image repeat only…?
How would I remove underlines from all links?
How would you prevent other floating elements…?
And 1 more!
14 years ago -
Basic xHTML Quiz
Questions:Which of the following is the correct xHTML to…?
Which of the following is the correct xHTML to…?
Which of the following is a valid implementation…?
Which of the following is the correct character…?
What does the <ol> tag stand for ?
14 years ago -
OneExtraLap (first quiz ever)
Questions:Who founded OneExtraLap?
Which framework was OneExtraLap built on?
Which file editor did I use to edit the script…?
14 years ago - Previous