Quiz Search: startup
Teenprenuers Startups
Questions:Stephen Ou?
Zachary Collins?
Daniel Brusilovsky?
Ahmad Mukoshy?
Manu Gill?
14 years ago -
Y Combinator
Questions:What was the first YC startup?
YC generally invests $x per founder?
YC was started by...?
Who is not a YC partner?
Which was not a YC company?
And 4 more!
14 years ago -
Palo Alto Startups
Questions:Facebook's HQ is on...?
Box.net is located in downtown Palo Alto.?
Which company bought by Disney is based in Palo…?
Lala is the first Palo Alto based startup to…?
What does Jive Software do?
And 1 more!
14 years ago -
Startups and their investors
Questions:Who was the first to fund Facebook?
Which of these firms didn't invest in Twitter?
Which incubator did Posterous come from?
Who was not an angle for Square?
15 years ago