Quiz Search: twitter
Do you know J-P Teti?
Questions:What is J-P's favorite OS (and the one he uses)?
What is J-P's username on Twitter?
What is J-P's favorite PHP framework?
14 years ago -
Do you know Spencer Schoeben?
Questions:What is Spencer's twitter username?
Where was Spencer born?
What state besides CA has Spencer lived in?
What is Spencer's Google Voice phone number?
What tech blog does Spencer read the most?
And 4 more!
14 years ago -
Some Web 2.0 words in Chinese
Questions:How do Chinese people call "Twitter"?
How do Chinese people call "Facebook"…?
How do Chinese people call "Blog"?
14 years ago -
Startups and their investors
Questions:Who was the first to fund Facebook?
Which of these firms didn't invest in Twitter?
Which incubator did Posterous come from?
Who was not an angle for Square?
14 years ago -
Guess the Founder ?
Questions:Which of these people was one of the founders…?
Which of the following people was a founder of…?
Which of these people founded of social networking…?
14 years ago - Previous