Quiz Search: phone
Test your Greek
Questions:What is the correct translation for telephone?
How do you say Thank You?
What is the correct translation for clock?
What is the correct translation for toothbrush?
3 years ago -
Social Networking -Cyber Safety
Questions:What would you do if someone asked for your phone…?
Would you give someone your address?
Give a stranger personal information about you…?
Would you talk to the person if you don't know…?
Talk to a person who you know.?
14 years ago -
Social Networking Cybersafety
Questions:Should u give your phone # to someone online?
Should u send pictures to someone u dont know?
Is it ok to talk to new kids from school online?
14 years ago -
social networking cyber saftey
Questions:should you talk to someone online that is being…?
should i give my phone number to someone?
is it okay if i e-mail a pic to someone i dont…?
14 years ago -
social networking cyber safty
Questions:you cant give your adress?
you should give your cell phone number?
you should tell the school you go to?
14 years ago -
social network cyber safety
Questions:do you think you should talk to strangers?
true or false do you think you should be friends…?
should you give your cell phone # to some you…?
14 years ago -
Cyber Safety
Questions:Someone Says...Did you like Mrs.Testa's test…?
I saw you on the street today can I have your…?
You Hear your friend is being cyber bullied you?
14 years ago -
Social Networking cyber safety
Questions:accept or deny Hi i think i know you from somewere…?
If someone asks you to meet them after school…?
true or false If someone says they know you and…?
If you meet someone that you don't know asks…?
14 years ago -
social network cyber safety
Questions:true or false should you give a stranger your…?
true or false should you trust someone who says…?
what should you do when people ask you to come…?
14 years ago -
Social Networking Cybersafety
Questions:If someone said I saw a cool phone give me your…?
True or false if someone says you want to come…?
If someone got an embarassing photo of someone…?
14 years ago - Next